Friday, 28 October 2011

It’s a sad day....a very very sad day :(

Sooooo it’s my friends Laura’s last day working in the Enquiry Unit today :( which means that every Friday I’m gonna be all alone on this side of the office....besides Sam W/Dan, but  they’re boys so they don’t really count as proper company :(. Although on the bright side she did buy some haribos and chocolates as a goodbye present so it’s not THAT bad now :)

 Laura made this as a goodbye tribute thing...and before you say anything, it IS a very quiet day in the office!!!!! :P

On another positive note, I managed to submit my first assignment todayyy :) it was only a practice report, but I’m still proud I submitted it and work hard for it so it’ll be interesting to see what the feedback on it is!! Although I do have another 3 assignments due in by the end of next week so I’m not too sure I should be celebrating just yet  :(!!

OH btw, if any current students read this blog, it’s not too late to join the best sports society at Greenwich (in my opinion :P) aka Netball :) it not also keeps you fit but it has an awesome social aspect to it tooooo!! As 6th team Captain I’ve arranged a social on Monday for my team so we can all get to know each other off court and (hopefully) play better as a team as well :). Since its Halloween we’re all dressing up in scary costumes and hitting Nando’s before finding somewhere to party :D

Alsoooo less than 2 months until Christmasssssssssss!! Eeeeeek. I’m one of those people that gets crazily excited for Christmas....I just love everything about it....the food...the presents...and just the general atmosphere it brings :D so so sooo hoping it snows this year though!! Would be nice to see one white Christmas!! Already started putting together some people’s presents and yesterday I was in London and I couldn’t resist going into this little Christmas boutique and buying some new fancy ornaments to go on the tree :D!! And can’t wait till it’s appropriate for me to start baking all the xmas treats :D

Anyway, thats enough about me for now :)

Cyaaa x

Friday, 14 October 2011

My First Blog!

Hello allllll, and welcome to my first ever blog :D.
Soooo fresher’s week is well and truly over *sob sob* so hopefully all of you that were out enjoyed it, and for those of you that weren’t there, here’s just a little taste of what happened:
This is some of the members of the netball club, it was ‘Mime night’ but it was a far from silent night :P Also I’m the one that the big arrow is pointing to, in couldn’t you can’t tell :).

And this is me and two of my best friends, on cave girl night. As we’re part of the netball team we always have a pre-gathering before going out at one of the members flats, and there’s normally anywhere between 20-50 girls there each week so you’re always guaranteed that it’s gonna be a good night :D. 
ALSOOOOOOOOOO a bit of exciting news, just found out that I got made Captain of my Netball team againnn, exciting times :D!! We had our first match on Wednesday and played BRILLIANTLY, although we ended up losing, I’m so proud of my team considering it’s the first time we’ve ever played together :P.
On another note, I’m kinda finding second year on my course (psychology) alot harder than I thought I would!! There’s so much work and barely enough time to do it!! In addition to my uni work, I also work one day a week at the Enquiry Unit, which although it’s great fun, it is hard working whilst studying L. I love my course and job and social life though so I reckon i’m going to have to organise myself really well if i’m ever gonna be able to get anything done!!!  
Anyway, more from me later, bye bye for now,
Kelty xxx