Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas timeeeee, mistletoe and wineeeee...

FINALLY the wait is almost over and then Christmas shall be upon us :D. I’m still counting down the days on my rapidly shrinking advent calendar :D

I’m glad I can finally start to relax a little bit and begin to enjoy the run up to Christmas as it’s been a very hectic few weeks...

Firstly we had our office Christmas party, which was fab :) we went to Cafe Rouge and majority of the food (especially the starter) were lovelyyy. We also did a quiz thing which needless to say I failed miserably at :( but it was still good fun, and then we got to do Secret Santa :D :D :D my favourite part of my meal by far as I got a beautiful scarf from my old supervisor Tony which is very much appreciated now the weather has taken a turn for the worst!! And afterwards we headed to O’Neil’s as it was one of our colleagues Dan’s leaving drinks :’( so we had to celebrate/commiserate that :P.

Then I had a seen exam to prepare for...its kinda like an essay assignment and an exam rolled into one as you get given the questions like 2 weeks before the exam and you had to prepare answers for them and then memorise them. I think I did okay...I pretty much remembered both of the essays I prepared, so now it just boils down to whether my essays were any good...fingers crossed!!

Then a day later, my lovely neighbours headed to South Africa for 2 months so as a good bye thing we decided to throw a Christmas dinner/mini party type thing, and me being slightly naive thought that cooking for 8 people would be just as easy/straightforward as when I usually cook for my family of 3...turns out its more stressful than I ever thought!! Eventually though I got a 3 course meal out and everything besides the slightly over cooked turkey was delish :) so turned out to be a really lovely day...although I’ve nominated my mum to cook the next Christmas dinner, much rather just eat it than cook it :D

I also had to sit a mock exam for my statistics course, although my friends and I realised about 10 minutes into the exam that perhaps going out for the Netball Christmas meal the night before wasn’t really the best idea...would never recommend going out the night before an exam as it is absolute torture sitting there for hours when you feel like you want to die...especially at 9am!! I managed to scrape through it though and ended up with it was worth dragging myself out of bed for...

After the exam I got given my first lab report back...the one I worked sooo hard on....and it turns out I didn’t work hard enough as only managed to get a 62 L its still a 2:1 but its miles away from that first that I really want!!  Although on the bright side it gives me more motivation to work harder on my next assignment!! I’m still waiting to get a mark back on the essay I handed in at the beginning of October!!! It’s been like 6 weeks now but my lecturer still hasn’t finished marking them....grrrr.

Here at the Enquiry Unit I officially finish working Fridays today :) and then I’m only working a few days overtime until we come back so I’m gonna use the rest of my time to work on one of my numerous assignments...we start back at Uni on the 9th and I have a 2000 word Critical Review due, then on the 10th I have a 2500 word Portfolio due and then on the 11th I have a 2500 Biopsychology essay due :( I’m thinking my Christmas may not be so merry after all :( 

Ahhhh well, I’m still excited about Christmas (and food and presents etc..) either way :)
So for now, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good ‘morning’ lol :P xxx