Tuesday, 26 June 2012


I swear all I have heard lately is goals….goals made in football….career goals…personal goals…goals goals goals…I suppose I wouldn’t have noticed much if only I had goals of my own….I mean I have short term goals, but in terms of my career when I leave Uni, I literally have no idea. The thing about a Psychology degree is that it is so versatile that it provides the starting point for numerous careers, which I used to think was a good thing, until I realized I had no idea what I actually want to do with my life once I complete my degree. Sometimes I envy people doing degrees such as Nursing, as they have such a clear path they can follow, and although they can branch off, ultimately they’re still going to be a nurse.

I have been considering a few careers paths, the first is teaching, which would involve me doing a PGCE in lifelong learning (psychology), and is only a year long and the money is good…

My next option I’m considering is the PGDip in Mental Health Nursing, and would require a further 3 years of study before I could begin earning money.

My third option, is work as a research assistant at Greenwich University at the same time as completing my Phd…so I’d be earning money to support me through my (hopefully funded) studies, but it can take up to 6-8 years to complete…

My fourth and final option is to go through a MET Police Graduate Scheme and work earning money straight away.

So yeahhhh, four very different career options and I have absolutely NO idea which one of these, (if any) that I want to pursue…for now I guess I’m just going to have to continue with my degree in the hopes that one day I have a sudden epiphany and realise what I actually want to do with the rest of my life….
HOWEVER, I do have a few short term goals to be getting on with for the time being…the first (and probably the most pressing) is to pass both my theory and practical driving test in quick succession…it is so depressing having a car yet not being able to drive it…although on the flip side I still need another pay day before I can even afford to insure it, so perhaps it’s a good thing I haven’t passed yet :P ANYWAY I have my theory this week and I am yet to even begin revising (Silly I know) but I will revise…soon…well at some point anyway :P

My next goal is to get a first this year (and my degree overall) although this is probably the least pressing as having sat all my exams I am now at the mercy of the examiners, so there’s nothing more I can do to improve it…I’ve worked out though, even scraping the bare minimum (40) in my exams I’m still guaranteed a 2:1…BUUUUUUUUT I want a first…the perfectionist that I am :P

My third and final goal is to become a Senior Clearing assistant, throughout the main Clearing period. I already meet the first requirement, as I have worked for Clearing previously, and I have just sent off my application…all that’s left to do is to wait for the interview and complete the skills tests and then we’ll see whether I’m good enough for the job!!

So yeahhh, that’s my short term goals for now…fingers crossed I manage to achieve the majority of them…although achieving ALL of them would be amazing!!

Hope you guys have some goals to be aiming for too :)

Bye for nowwwww xxx

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

PHEW!!! Let the updates begin....

Soooooo, I know its been a while since I’ve last written on here, but I actually have a good reason!! EXAMS :(. Over the past three weeks all I've done is eat, sleep and revised. And anytime I wasn’t revising I felt horrendously guilty that I wasn't revising so I didn't feel motivated to do anything else anyway. It didn't help as 2 of my exams were bang smack in the middle of the lovely heat wave we had, meaning it was almost doubly hard to do any revision at all :(.

Out of the three exams  I did, I’m confident with one of them, and the other two, I think I definitely did enough to pass, I am just not sure whether I did good enough to get the first that I have been aiming for. BUT there’s nothing I can do now until the results come out mid July, so for now I’m focusing on other things and trying not to panic about it :)

Moving on to slightly happier news, I bought a car :D :D :D its my first car so I’m very excited/proud of it, even though I can’t technically drive it just yet...although thats just a small technicality :P I’m planning on starting my lessons when I get back from holiday, and I’m going to attempt to do an intensive driving course, which is approximately 30 hours of driving a week, with the test at the end of it...fingers crossed that it goes okay, as I have now officially wiped out all my savings/overdraft on it :( !!

Now the exams are officially over, I can begin the preparation for my final year project. I am aiming to get the majority of it written up over summer, so I can conduct it the first week back next year. So if you’re going to come and study Psychology at Greenwich next year, chances are you’ll be participating in my study :D it’s a fun one to do, don’t worry :)

In other news, I’m currently preparing for a film shoot, with a German news programme Planetopia, in regards to the research I am helping out with, with the MET police :)! It should be a great experience, and appearing on TV  is always a good thing to have on your CV. It’s also good preparation for the segment of Crimewatch they will be hopefully filming us for in the run up to the anniversary of the 2011 riots.

Besides the fact that I am going to Turkey for a well deserved break in a couple of days, there isn't anything else left to fill you guys in on :) hopefully you all are well, and I’ll have more to update you will after my holiday!!

Bye for now xxx

My new baby, Bertie <3