Friday, 1 March 2013

Personal updates :)

It’s been a while since I've written about what’s going on in my personal life, so here are the highlights :)

It was my birthday a few weeks ago, which was nice but slightly stressful as the weather decided it didn't want to cooperate and snowed heaps the day before. This meant that one of my best friends Caitlin, who was coming up from Cardiff, got completely snowed in so she couldn't make it in the end :(. My mum wasn't very well at the time either so there was only a few of us there, although it was still good fun :) so not all bad!! To make up for it, Caitlin came up a couple of weeks later, and the two of us, plus my other best friend Denise, had a day out in Bluewater instead :). It was really good as we managed to get free tickets to see Wreck it Ralph, which was actually really really good, despite Denise’s insistence that it wouldn't be. And then we went to TGI’s for a meal, which was yummy, but it wasn't as nice as the previous times I've been as they were super busy and we only got our starter halfway through our main!! Luckily I had a couple of vouchers with me (as always) so we got the starter and a dessert each for free, which did soften the blow after the long waiting time!

A few weeks ago, my colleagues in the Enquiry Unit held a bake sale to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Some of us made cakes to be sold, and the others just paid to eat them instead, I did both and probably ate more cakes then I actually made, but it was all for a good cause (or that’s what I’m telling myself anyway! :D) overall we managed to raise a grand total of £171!!

Below is a picture of some of the cakes we sold at the bake sale, (mine are the ones on the bottom- I know they look a bit squished but that wasn't my fault!)

Speaking of hearts, Valentine’s Day was really nice this year :) my boyfriend and I decided to go out on the Tuesday instead to avoid paying the ridiculous amount they charged on the actual day. It was really good though :) we went to my favvvvvourite Turkish restaurant (the same one I went to for my birthday) and had lots of yummy food :) I also got some lovely surprise presents, such as an orchid and a back massager. So I was happy bunny indeed :)

Anywayyy, I hope you guys are good, and that you had a good valentine’s day :) My next blog is going to be more academiccccc, promise!! Talk to you laterrrrr x

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